Wednesday, January 21, 2009

All I can think of is FLAIR!!!

Like my friend Kim said....I have been so busy the past few weeks, yet feel I haven't actually accomplished much! (Kim- you took the words right out of my mouth!) I have a new facebook addiction, I can't stop finding flair and sending it to have to be a facebook junkie to know what I mean! So, when the girls are fast asleep, I get on to check my e-mail, myspace, blog, ul updates, and now facebook! This is too much, I know...but how else am I supposed to keep in contact with people? You might be thinking over the phone, HA!!!! Have you ever talked to me with these girls in the background? So, if you'd like to talk to me....cyber-space is the way to go! :)

We've had some ups and downs in the past few weeks! My sweet Claudia is now 4 years old! I can't even handle it...I know - so cliche to say, but really I was just holding her little "asian sumo butt" yesterday it feels! Man, was I a little nervous I must say when she came out...she was NOT the cutest littlest thing I ever did see! But, I lucked out, Claudia has become such a smart, sweet and beautiful little girl! Maybe I should re-phrase "sweet"...Claudia can be such a sweetie pie, but man does she have sass to her! I have been struggling with this for the past few months! Does she need more attention, why does she want "negative" attention by acting out! My first reaction was to call Nanny 911, then I thought realistically.....She has moved 3 times in her 4 years of life and has had 2 other sweeties come into the world and now she has to share mom and dad. Blah, blah, blah....anyway, my focus right now is to "observe" her and make sure I'm doing all I can to get down to the bottom of this behavior issue! Can't a girl just get her darn socks on when I ask?!?!? Does she have to question breakfast, lunch and dinner?!??! Must she have to stomp around the house with her arms crossed yelling to the world "I'm sooo mad at you, mommy" and why would she stomp on someone's train just to disrupt them playing....ughhhh!!! Every other minute it is something....well, this all led up to Claudia's big birthday "garden tea party" that was going to be held on her b-day (Jan. 17), we all had had the flu for a week straight, yes every single one of us!!! (Who takes care of mommy when she is sick and Shawn still has to go to work, hmmmm...haven't figured that one out yet!) Due to illness, Shawn and I thought it was smartest to cancel her party, we thought of re-scheduling and had to think I'm trying to fit in time to run around the city looking for "vintage tea cups" for her and all her friends, she is slamming doors left and we decided to just cancel it all together, this was one of the hardest things for us, but we HAD to stay firm....I had threatened taking away that birthday party with her bestie's all week! She was devastated to say the least! I couldn't let her have a horrible b-day though, we still made her day very special. We took the fam. to a Tea House for lunch, she enjoyed her first cup of tea (well, raspberry lemonade). Grandma made her a very special birthday dress that she got to show off, oh and a matching purse! Then we came back home and had a few family over for cupcakes/presents and more tea/lemonade..she was dieing to open her BLUE SKATES, so at the end of the day she def. got a tea party....I couldn't take all away from her! And I must say the past week has been great with her...keep your finger's crossed for me! :)

Just thought I'd add some cut pics from the last few weeks...

Did I mention Claudia started basketball through our "Y"...Shawn is coaching her 3-5 yr. old team.....let me tell you, the games are quite entertaining!

Love these pics of the girls!

Seriously, don't you just want to eat her up!?!?!?

I know...I know...I'm obsessed with photographing these little ones, you just can't get this time back and even though their sass is high, they are still the best things EVER!

Oh!!!! I just had to add this pic...this was my little Claudia at birth...

This was the "asian sumo baby" I was referring to!

She got cuter...

and cuter :)...

1 comment:

Sassytimes said...

FB is so addicting!!! I agree.

I think Claudia was cute when she was born, but isn't it amazing how much they change between birth and the next day? Poor Sophia's face was all smushed up when she came out, but the next day, she was completely normal.