Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Uppercase Living

I am currently a demonstrator for Uppercase Living. If you haven't heard of this product yet, you are going to LOVE it! When we moved back to the Toledo area last year I fell it love with it, while decorating our newest home. I had no intention of doing any outside work...really, with what time? But, as time went by, this was the perfect business opportunity for me. Uppercase Living has expressions, images, and embellishments for your home. It is made of vinyl and is simple to apply. With a degree in Interior Design and 3 small babes at home, this is the closest to the Design world I'm going to get to right now! :) Check out our on-line catalog and tell me what you think!

You can now order directly from my site or feel free to e-mail me.

I'm adding some pics from our house...we have it ALL OVER! :)


The Scott Gang said...

LOVE it! You are so talented Amanda!

kim said...

I sure miss having you next door when I need advice on decorating. We've completely changed the living room and kitchen...I'll have to post some pics too! (I think you'd be proud...our kitchen is BLUE)!